
why partner?

We do this because we love it. We’re not desperate to gain sponsorships and we certainly aren’t looking to compromise on the type of gear we use or the people we associate with.  We’re a family that has a blast enjoying the outdoors and hanging out with good dudes. We have a track record with our previous media company (Keller Outdoors) of creating partnerships that run much deeper than a product placement video or endorsement.  If we’re going to partner with you we’re bringing you into the family and for us, that’s a big deal.   

product placement!

We’re pretty excited about the products we use.  Some of them have been passed down from generations before us.  However, every once-in-awhile we come across something new that changes the game and how we hunt or fish.  For example, check out these goose calls on the right from C&S Custom Calls.  When we met Mike Stelzner in 2005 we knew there was something special with his calls.  Fifteen years later and more national call-making titles then he can count with his fingers, we still find ourselves saying “wow”!  

So if you’re a good dude and have a product that will change how we do things for the better, let’s talk.  We are good at what we do and believe we can mutually help one another. 

We're growing - join us

Maybe more than ever it’s important to have a strong online presence.  Between the Covid quarantine, working from home and stay at home orders, platforms like Facebook, YouTube and Instagram are seeing record numbers of users.  We believe that by creating quality and entertaining content on these platforms we will be putting your product in front of more potential customers than ever before.  

On the right you’ll see a snapshot of the insights from just one of our Facebook pages (Idaho Master Angler).  The growth we’ve experienced through engaging posts and information has allowed us to reach over 450,000 people in one of our first months online.  

Want to know more?  Contact us below.